Interest rates are the cost of money when borrowed or loaned, and are used to control inflation and economic growth. But why do interest rates rise and fall, and how can they affect you?
Using gearing to grow your investments
Gearing can be an effective and tax-efficient way of building your investments over the long-term. While it can increase your investment returns, you should be aware of the risks involved.
Building wealth in diversity
What a difference a year makes. In recent months, Australian shares hit a record high, the Aussie dollar dipped to levels not seen since the GFC and interest rates were cut to historic lows.
Time for an annual tune-up?
We don’t think twice about taking our car in for a regular tune up because we know it’s going to mean our car runs at its best and saves unexpected problems down the track. It follows then that we should take the same approach to other areas of our lives.
Lessons from the ‘rich list’
Most people who are intent on building their personal and business finances know there is no quick road to wealth. While some people dream about their lucky numbers finally being called, others are making every day count. Of course, not everyone can make it onto the Forbes rich list, and some individuals rise to wealth […]