Estate planning involves much more than having an up to date Will. It is important to ensure that your assets are distributed in the most effective manner and without adverse tax consequences for your beneficiaries.
Making your wishes known
While Australia’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was among the best in the world, the speed and spread of the illness underlined just how fragile life can be. It was also a solemn reminder of the importance of ensuring your affairs are in order, so your wishes are met – in life and death.
Caring for a family with a Will
Few of us like to think about death, let alone plan for it. But far from being morbid, getting your affairs in order and drawing up a Will is one of the kindest and most caring things you can do for your loved ones.
Super and inheritance: making your wishes known
People often think their superannuation will be treated as part of their estate when they die and distributed according to their Will, but that’s not the case. Unless you have nominated your beneficiaries, the decision as to who receives your superannuation is in the hands of the trustees of your fund.