Interest rates are the cost of money when borrowed or loaned, and are used to control inflation and economic growth. But why do interest rates rise and fall, and how can they affect you?
Inflation, deflation – what’s in a name?
When the inflation rate fell into negative territory in the June quarter, it was so unusual it begged the question of what this means for the economy. Are we facing deflation or even stagflation and what is the difference?
Market Update | December 2019
The Pulse Markets have reacted favourably to the prospect of a ‘phase one’ trade deal between the US and China, which would involve a roll-back of tariffs. Positive developments on the trade front would come at the right time for the US economy, which has suffered from a deterioration in business confidence and investment. The […]
How to play the Trump card
On announcement of Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States our attention quickly turned to the financial markets to gauge the impact. So, what do we know of President-elect Trump’s policies and what will they mean for us?